Monday, July 27, 2009

Cheap prescription glasses, from RM49.30*

* subject to change to conversion rate claims to selling the cheapest glasses online, with glasses starting from just 5 pounds (current conversion is 1 GBP to 5.8 MYR) and flat 3.50 pounds worldwide shipping. What's good about them is that besides standard 1.49 single vision lenses, they also include:
- free UV protection
- free Anti-Reflection
- free Scratch Resistant Coatings
- free glasses case
- free cleaning cloth

Get yourself a free eye assessment at any optical store, so all you have to do is select the frame(s) you want, insert your eye prescription, fill up your details, and pay. I personally got one pair with the combined grand total of 8.50 pounds delivered (it was from Hong Kong, so I assume that's why it's so cheap), and while it does look plasticky, it does the job. 8.50, converted right now is RM49.30. Mine arrived in 2 weeks.

Of course, you'll have to pay by either Paypal or credit card. But hey, the cheapest glasses 'package' I saw so far in Klang Valley is RM99, so I have no complains!

Click on picture for direct link. 2 pairs maximum per order.

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